Bactrosaurus was bipedal, walking on two legs, but could go on four legs when feeding. An adult Bactrosaurus would have been about 20 feet (6 meters) long, and been about 6½ feet (2 meters) tall when standing on all fours. The animal would probably have weighed around 1.5 tons. Bactrosaurus was originally thought not to have had a crest on its head (which would make it unusual for an iguanodont), however recent research seems to have found the partially preserved remains of the base of a crest on the animal's skull. Another unusual feature of Bactrosaurus is that the fossilized skeleton seems to show evidence that the animal suffered from tumors. A survey of more than 10,000 dinosaur fossils, however only found evidence of tumors among Bactrosaurus and its close relatives - not among any other type of dinosaur. Currently the cause of these tumors is unknown, but it has been suggested that it may have been caused by some environmental factor, or perhaps a genetic predisposition to tumors among this group of animals. The name "Bactrosaurus" means "club lizard", and was chosen by Charles W. Gilmore in 1933. The name was chosen in reference to the club-shaped neural spines which project from some of the animal's vertebrae. Bactrosaurus Timeline:Bactrosaurus was a herbivore (plant-eater) that lived about 70 million years ago Related Information & ResourcesSee Also
Bactrosaurus Facts
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